Venous Introducers


The venous introducers:

The venous introducer is made to introduce a catheter in the venous blood flux.
It is composed of a dilatator and a polyethylene sheath

The standard venous introducer is used to introduce catheters for temporary using which will be picked up of the patients' corps before the introducer.
The venous introducer with peel away sheath is used to introduce catheters for short or long term using.
This introducer sheath is striped and its hub is divisible. So we can peel away this sheath after to have broke its hub that permits his extraction without pick up the catheter in its place.
The venous introducers are supplied in standard with a puncture needle (or introducer needle) and a "J" guide wire. This needle is used to introduce the correspondent guide wire in the chose venous.

The arterial introducer:

The arterial introducer is made to permit the introduction of a catheter in an arterial blood flux.
It is composed of a dilatator and a sheath. The sheath has at his proximal extremity a hub with haemostatic valve connected to a tap extension cable which provide the blood backward surge and air inhalation.
The arterial introducers are supplied in standard with a puncture needle and a "J" guide wire.
This needle is used to introduce the correspondent guide wire in the chose vein.



Sheath length

Dilatator length

Venous introducers

4F to 10F

120 mm

180 mm

Peel away sheath introducers

5F to 14 F

120 mm

180 mm

The introducers are conditioning under double peel away sachets.